
The Healer
There are days I am disillusioned,
When I am bereft of my purpose,
Alone in my office,

The Crowd.
On a lazy Sunday,
I sit in the sun,
reading a book by the swing.
Some shadows watch over
the unturned page,

Phased Out?
Princess bedside and stand-up telephones. Landlines. Ma Bell. Telephone booths. Victrolas. 78 and 45 rpm records. Ash trays. Analog photography.Alarm clocks. Walkman. Transistor radios.Beta and VHS. Tape cassettes.Vacuum tubes. IBM desktop typewriters. Blockbuster stores. Telegrams.News reels at the movies. Air mail and Special Delivery.Three cent stamps. Fountain pens. Oldsmobile. Pontiac. Nash Rambler. Plymouth.Spark plugs. Packard. Edsel. Rumble seats. Leaded gasoline. Rhodesia. […]

high tech and high touch
treatment scans and MRI’s
where is the high touch

Ode to Blessed Assurance
I felt the ache in my head,
The cranial vessels’ pulsing beat,
My restless, trembling legs in bed,
The tingling in the soles of my feet.

My Patient
“Can you please let me go?”
She pleaded with tears in her eyes

Moments in Passing
I walk past the morgue in the hospital
Underbelly on my way to the key shop,
Resigned to replacing the keys I lost
Two weeks ago.

It’s times like these, with the certainty of our assumptions, no longer certain,that bring a richer appreciation for the touchstones and the lifelines, for the heartfelt friends and the fond rituals that carry us through each day,for the ones who remind us our roots hold braided branches strong enough to bear roses, and of all the reasons, like […]

Heart Transplant
It is a long story. This is a short version: I was about to die.

At Peace and Free
I dreamt I had a garden
in the backyard of a home
that doesn’t actually exist.

White Coat Anonymity
Do you notice me?
Do you see my soul?
Or does attire blind you?

To the Front-Line Healthcare Providers in the Time of COVID-19
In ancient times the knights rode out
to cheers and loud applause,
To fight our foes, those armed heroes, took up our common cause,

The Laundry Cycle
Do you ever feel like a shirt,
With wooden clips pinning your shoulders to the line,
Left blowing in the wind to dry,