
A Seemingly Simple Smile
On a beautiful Friday morning in the spring of 2020, Mr. B awaited his first dose of pembrolizumab in the chemotherapy infusion room. By this time he wrestled with cancer for about three years and underwent several lines of treatment, yet he was so resilient that that he continued weight training at home. He said, “It was still worth a try, if this could buy me some more time with my family.”

When God Speaks to Me
Look at the flowers. View the beauty in the chaos. All the different flowers, grasses, and entanglements of green.

East and West – Cultural Contrasts in Social Interacting and Physical Distancing
Before I moved to the United States from India almost two decades ago, my usual way to greet people was namaste — a Sanskrit word referring to a gesture widely used throughout the Indian subcontinent as a respectful form of greeting, acknowledging, and welcoming a relative, a guest, or stranger.

My First Patient
Do you remember your first patient in your chosen specialty, or what was to be your chosen specialty?

A Novel Fight: The Global War on the novo-coronavirus, COVID-19
World War III: a fight we never hoped to see, nor imagined would have come in form of a microscopic particle.