By Sharmilan Thanendrarajan

I made this photo in the War Eagle Cavern on Beaver Lake in Northwest Arkansas during our family vacation in 2020. It is one of the most beautiful caverns in Arkansas and providing access to a dark, mysterious and bizarre underworld and habitat. When our tour guide once switched off all the torchlights and illuminant resources in the cavern, it was completely dark. That was a stunning moment and indeed the darkest places I have ever been. The spot depicted on the photo is revealing a small place in the cavern where light accesses the cavern minimally and I thought in that moment, “you may find even in the darkest places some light.” Confidence and happiness can be found sometimes in the most desperate and hopeless situations.
Dr. Thanendrarajan is an Associate Profession of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology. He works in the Myeloma Center at UAMS.