
First Responders Supporting UAMS
Taken at dusk after leaving a busy day working in the medical intensive care unit. I was overwhelmed by the support of our first responders, and watched quietly with one of our MICU nurses. It’s one of those moments that stands out like a bookmark in a chapter of one’s life. Michael S. Cross, M.D., […]

Second Author
My 10 year old Yorkie, Max, offers support as I finish the final draft of an article.

Love in an Airway
This image was taken looking through the eyepiece of a dissecting microscope using an iPhone.

Light After the Storm
I took this photo, now almost four years ago, on a trip to the Grand Canyon, and I call it “Light after the Storm.”

I have always liked photographing paths. It is embarrassingly sappy and cliché of course, but when I see one, I think how it is symbolic of life’s paths. Some shots, like those that often accompany “The Road Not Taken,” show two or more paths diverging, which could represent options and big decisions. This is the […]

This piece is meant to be a representation of what I see when I have a migraine aura.