Issue 4 – Fiction

Mama Tiger
October 8, 2021 |
UAMS Online
I am eating almonds. These days, I can’t seem to get enough of them. Something about the bland crunch of them pulls me in. Biting into an almond is like snapping a twig. It is firm until it is not anymore, solid and then suddenly broken.

The “C” Word
October 5, 2021 |
UAMS Online
Coach said “no excuses.” And what was he going to say anyway when no one wants to hear the word “cancer”?

Time Reveals All Truth
October 5, 2021 |
UAMS Online
Ikenna stared longingly at his wife. It has been what now? Eight months. Not even a touch. He kicked his feet aimlessly in a failed attempt to release the tension welling between his legs.